It's been a long winter. Kids have been sick, the weather has been yucky, and cabin fever has been rampant. So when yesterday dawned sunny with a high of 46 (down right tropical I tell ya!) it was something to be celebrated. Cabin fever manifests itself in my children as an inability to make a decesion without a tantrum and a complete lack of body control in regards to one's brother. I was tetering on the edge between checking myself into the loony bin or commiting homocide, so I threw the kids in the car and we headed to one of our favorite botanical gardens: Inniswood Gardens.
We began our excursion with the goal of finding signs of spring. Just the fact that we were outside without our coats and had the sun shining on our heads was a sure sign that spring is on it's way, but it's a fun lesson for the kids to find the little signs that spring is coming, and learn about how nature stirs itself to life again at this time of year.
We found bulbs poking up through the bare dirt.
We found bright green moss growing in the swampy areas.
We heard birds singing in the trees.
We saw a rushing stream, swollen from the recent thunder storms.
We saw budding tree branches.
I got to wear my Vibram Five Finger shoes, that had been packed away for most of the winter.
The boys had a blast running through the mud.
Until Connor fell down.
And got mud on his jeans.
But mostly, the boys moved...
and moved...
and moved...
and moved...
and moved...
and moved!
Of course, there were several signs that Winter wasn't quite over yet. The boys found a few patches of snow and played King of the Mountain.
And parts of my favorite knot hedge were covered to protect it from the next inevitable frost that will surely come before the weather warms up for good.
The fresh air and sunshine was better than any medicine. We returned home in much better spirits. A good time was had by all.
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