1) Live more mindfully
This is and always will be a constant struggle. But keeping it at the forefront of my mind helps me to evaluate decisions and stay present in the moment. I should really turn my computer off more often.
2)Eat more locally
Harder to implement until the farmers markets get going, but I did find local raw honey at Whole Foods for a good price, and I can get local Ohio eggs at my regular grocery store.
3)Maintain a successful container garden
I am planning two tomato plants, to snap pea plants, and one tub of potatoes. Possible a pot of herbs also. I'll get tomato and herb starts from the farmers market this spring. Peas don't like to be transplanted so I'll start those from seed once the last frost date is past. I'll order my potato starts probably from the Seed Savers Exchange.
4)Find a workable system for my recycling
This I have yet to even start on. However, I do have an idea. For some reason we have two trashcans in our bedroom, and we hardly ever use either one. I think there is room for the bigger one under the sink in the kitchen. This is important as there is absolutely NO room ANYWHERE in my kitchen for a single other thing, and several things that are there really don't fit either. If I can manage to remember to put it into the car before loading up the kids for a grocery shop, we're all set. It may even help me to remember my cloth bags too.
5)Move my body
Every little victory here counts. I did 3 yoga Sun Salutations today. I spent the first half of the month out of commission due to a nasty cold turned sinus infection. Now that I'm feeling human again it's time to get moving!
Well a month in and I have not managed to fail miserably at any of my goals, and many of them are being actively pursued. I think regular check ins will keep me motivated, reminded, and accountable.
Many of your goals are mine although I didn't write them down. Right now I am tired, and eating locally and living mindfully are not on my priority list at the moment. Getting through to Spring is my goal while all others are in a holding pattern. Please tell me that you lose steam too.
Stone Fence Farm, of course I loose steam too. I think we all do. And I agree that spring can't come soon enough. Trying to revisit my goals monthly helps me to remember that I made them in the first place, and brings them back to the front of my mind. It's how I try to combat the natural tendancy to loose steam. Hang in there, spring will come, and with it the promise of growth and new life that makes it so many peoples favorite season.
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